Hi everyone! Have been in Singapore? If you have, did you come to Gardens by the Bay? Or do you know it? Because for me, it was heaaaveeeenn. Being in there was really making me happy, I wonder what heaven really looks like, MasyaAllah. Gardens by the Bay is located near Marina Bay Sands, I guess that's one company which runs both of it. Gardens by the Bay has two dome, one dome is Flower Dome and another is Cloud Forest. I like Cloud Forest rather than Flower Dome. But really, both of it are REALLY BEAUTIFUUUL I'M CRYING MASYA ALLAH 😭😭😭 Not just two domes, Gardens by the Bay also has their characteristic, those kinda trees with neon lamp that shine through the dark in the night called Supertree. Those Supertrees are located in the center of many gardens.

Me and my bestie with Marina Bays near the locket of Gardens by the Bay

Actually there are many gardens with their own name but I don't remember those names. Entering the gardens are free so if you don't wanna spend much money just enter it and you can take a picture with Supertrees and Marina Bay Sands! But to enter both domes have a price and you can check that price in Gardens by the Bay's web, one ticket for entering both domes. Trust me that's really worth it!!! I came to Gardens by the Bay by MRT and there's a MRT with Gardens by the Bay as a destination. Near Gardens by the Bay's MRT station, there's a locket to buy the ticket but you also can buy it online. In the locket, there were many mini cars that brought me to the domes. The domes are pretty far from the locket so we choosed to go there by a mini car. There's a price for it, you can buy a ticket for riding a mini car in the locket, I forgot the price but the ticket is for taking you from the locket to the dome and taking you back from the domes to the locket. You can also take a walk and enjoy the garden if you don't wanna spend much money, that's worth it too.

Bestie in front of pond and Supertree near the locket

So I first entered the Flower Dome and the 'welcoming garden' was themed like a blue and purple garden with blue and purple flowers, really beautifuuul. The 'welcoming garden''s located in the center of the dome, surrounded by many gardens with different themes. There's a tropic theme, desert theme, or other themes with unique trees and flowers with some statues. From Flower Dome, you can see Marina Bay Sands and Singapore Flyer so clearly. My favorite is the 'welcoming garden', actually why I called it the 'welcoming garden' is because that's the first garden you'll see after entering and I think this garden will change in a month or I don't know. I got two flyers when I was entering it, one was about the Flower Dome and one was about the flowers in 'welcoming garden'. Beside I really love flowers, there were many unique and really beautiful flowers in 'welcoming garden' MasyaAllah.

This wass Flower Dome looks like
Really beautiful right?
Desert theme
I don't know what theme was it lol
I told you Marina Bay Sands looked very clear from here
Those statues even just made it more beautiful
I love this picture of me, beautifuuul flowers and Singapore Flyer ❤️
The 'welcoming garden' 
Still the 'welcoming garden' 
Still the 'welcoming garden' 
Still the 'welcoming garden' 
I swear this is the last picture of the 'welcoming garden' 😂

Then Cloud Forest, oh I REALLY LOVE CLOUD FOREST, THAT'S TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Why? Because it's combined nature and technology. Nature because there were many beautiful trees and technology because that's actually a building inside Cloud Forest but that didn't seem like a building till I came inside and there were an elevator for each level/ground, ISN'T IT REALLY COOOOOOL?? There's a lift too. So this is how Cloud Forest work, so firstly I entered and suddenly there's a really beautiful fall named The Fall, I knew it's a human creation but that's really beautifuuul!! Then I ended up in a lift that took me to the highest level and there's a pond, can you imagine there's a pond in the highest level?? Even the glasses of dome was really cloooseee to me!! Then I walked through till I was in a way like a bridge with a fog and that was cold enough. Oh I really loveee that paaart!!!! Actually that way leaded me down and down. Each level had a theme, there were a level that's explained a mineralogy, a level that's explained a human history and other levels. So that way or bridge took me from level to level until I arrived in the lowest level and a way out. Pretty cool huh?
The Fall
My dad and that way or bridge thing 
The pond in the highest level, can you see that glass was close to mee????
Us in the highest way I think ❤️
Lower way than the previous picture
The way was pretty  wide, can you see it?
Lol I can't describe this picture but still I wanna put this picture, sorry 😂😂😂

Actually there's a skyway in Gardens by the Bay, I really wanted to walk and take a picture in that skyway but there's also a price so poorly I didn't make it. But both domes were satisfied me enough! Well that's all I can say, I hope for you who haven't entered those domes yet will enter soon aamiin! Feel the magic there!

Hi everyone! Kalian udah pernah ke Singapur? Kalo kalian udah pernah, ke Gardens by the Bay ga? Atau tau ga? Karna bagi gue, Gardens by the Bay itu surgaaaaa. Berada disana aja gue udah seneng banget, gue kepo si kalo di surga beneran kek mana. Gardens by the Bay letaknya di deket Marina Bay Sands, keknya itu satu perusahaan yang ngelola. Gardens by the Bay punya dua dome. Satu dome itu Flower Dome dan satunya Cloud Forest. Gue lebih suka Cloud Forest, tapi beneran dua duanya baguusse bangeeet MasyaAllah 😭😭😭 Ga cuma punya dua dome, Gardens by the Bay juga punya karakteristik mereka, yang kayak pohon dengan lampu neon yang terang kalo udah gelap, disebut Supertree. Supertree itu ada di antara banyak taman.

Sebenernya di Gardens by the Bay ada banyak taman dengan namanya masing-masing dan gue ga apal namanya apa aja. Masuk ke taman-taman itu gratis, jadi kalian ga perlu ngeluarin uang buat foto sama Marina Bay Sands dan Supertree. Kalo masuk ke dome bayar, harganya bisa dicek di website Gardens by the Bay. Harga satu ticket buat dua dome. Beneran tapi worth it bangeet!! Gue waktu itu ke Gardens by the Bay naik MRT dan ada destinasi yang Gardens by the Bay juga jadi tinggal turun situ aja. Deket dari stasiun MRT ada loket yang ngejual tiket Gardens by the Bay, tapi kalian juga bisa beli online. Di loket itu banyak minicar yang nganterin gue ke dome. Jarak dari loket ke dome lumayan jauh jadi kita naik minicar. Tiket buat naik minicar bisa beli di loket, gue lupa harganya tapi satu tiket buat bolak balik dari loket ke dome dan dome ke loket. Kalian juga bisa jalan sambil nikmatin taman kalo gamau ngeluarin uang lagi, itu juga worth it.

Jadi gue pertama dateng ke Flower Dome dan waktu itu 'taman selamat datang'nya bertema biru ungu jadi banyak banget bunga warna biru ungu, baguuuss bangeet. 'Taman selamat datang' tempatnya di tengah-tengah dome, diantara taman-taman dengan tema yang beda-beda. Ada tema tropis, tema gurun dan banyak tema lain yang didalemnya banyak pohon dan bunga unik, ada beberapa patung juga. Dari Flower Dome, kalian bisa liat Marina Bay Sands sama Singapore Flyer jelaaaas bangeet. Favorit gue si 'taman selamat datang', sebenernya kenapa gue sebut 'taman selamat datang' soalnya itu taman yang kalian bakal liat pertama kali kalo masuk dan gue nyangkanya tu taman bakal ganti tema dalam sebulan atau gue gatau. Pas gue masuk, gue dikasih dua brosur, satu brosur tentang bunga-bunga yang ada di Flower Dome dan satunya tentang bunga-bunga yang ada di 'taman selamat datang'. Disamping gue suka banget bunga, ada banyak bunga unik bagus juga di 'taman selamat datang', MasyaAllah.

Trus Cloud Forest, YAAMPUN GUE SUKA BANGET CLOUD FOREST, KEREEEEN BANGEEET!!! Kenapa? Soalnya Cloud Forest gabungin alam dan teknologi. Alam soalnya di dalem banyak banget pohon dan teknologi soalnya sebenernya di dalem Cloud Forest itu bangunan, gue ga nyadar sampe gue masuk dan ada eskalator di setiap lantai, KEREN BANGET KAN?? Ada liftnya jugaa. Jadi gini Cloud Forest tu, pertama gue masuk dan ada air terjun namanya The Fall, gue tau itu buatan manusia tapi itu baguuusss bangeet. Trus gue dibawa pake lift ke lantai teratas. Di lantai teratas ada kolam, banyangin doong di lantai paling atas ada kolaam?? Bahkan kaca domenya udah deket banget diatas guee!!! Trus gue jalan terus nyampe gue ada di jalan kek jembatan dan ada kabut trus dingin juga. Yaampun gue suka banget bagian ituuuu!! Jadi sebenernya tu jalan ngebawa turun terus. Tiap lantai punya tema masing-masing, ada tema yang ngejelasin mineralogi, ada yang ngejelasin sejarah manusia, dan lain-lain. Jalan itu ngebawa gue dari lantai ke lantai nyampe ke lantai terbawah dan jalan keluar. Keren kan?

Sebenernya di Gardens by the Bay juga ada skywalk dan gue pengen banget kesitu foto-foto tapi sayangnya ada harganya juga jadi gue ga kesitu. Tapi gue udah puas banget si sama dua dome tadi! Well itu yang bisa gue share dan semoga kalian yang belum kesana bisa kesana secepatnya aamiin. Rasain magicnya!!
