Hi! So glad to have an opportunity to go to Cappadocia alhamdulillah, everyone's bucket list I think. So I'd been in Cappadocia for two days, and yesterday morning I woke up early to go to the hill, thought that the air balloons would fly. Sadly, it didn't appear cause the weather wasn't good for flying the balloons. So I couldn't take a picture with a hill with many balloons. Today, bestie and my mom went to the hill again but I was too lazy, I was afraid if the ballooons wouldn't fly again so I didn't go. But sadly again, the balloons were flying 😂, so I thought I missed the chance to take a beautiful picture with those balloons view. Luckily, my dad woke me up and I get the chance to still take a picture! But it's only in the hotel, so we wasn't close to the balloons. In this post, I wanna share about two options to a picture with balloons view based on my experience.
First option's called hill view because you will take a picture in the hill. So what you need to do is you have to wake up really early about 4 AM in Cappadocia's time, well before that is better. Because people that wanna fly by air balloon were going from my hotel in 4 AM. It takes about 10 minutes from my hotel to the location to fly the balloon. The hill is located near from Goreme but pretty far from my hotel, it takes about 15-20 minutes. You can take a picture with ballooons view in the hill when sun rises, it'll be more beautiful! Cappadocia doesn't have a public transportation so you can go from your hotel to the hill by taxi, not all hotels have some taxi stopping by so you need a help from receptionist or you can call taxi, the number is on Google. You just have to tell the driver that you wanna go to the highest hill's peak near from balloons's location and the balloons location it self, then the driver will know where to go. In the highest hill's peak, there's some restaurants or cafe, so if you don't find them, then maybe you're in the wrong place, but if the view is good then go ahead. The price of the taxi from my hotel to the hill was about 150-170 lyra or 450.000-510.000 rupiah. Well I knew is pretty high but you will be taken to two places and the driver will wait you and take you back to the hotel.
The second option is city view because you'll be taking a picture in the city, well maybe not like a big city, but in the small city or town or just a settlement. This option is my condition this morning but I pretty like it. So you won't wake up in early morning because you don't need to go anywhere. You just have to wake up when the sun rises or not long before that, around 6 AM. Because before that, it won't be many ballooons cause the ballooons haven't been ready to fly. Then you can take a picture with many special houses, many ballooons and still a hill behind yoy but it'll be small cause it's far. You have to find a rooftop or if your hotel doesn't have it, then find the nearest place that have a beautiful view to take a picture. Every houses that are surrounded by the hill will still see the ballooons, so you don't have to worry. You also don't need any money to take a picture with that magnificent view! So it'll be cheaper and you don't have to sleepy because you don't need to wake up early.
Well that's all I can share, I really hope you'll be there soon aamiin. The good hotel and the transportation to go to Cappadocia will I share in other post. Have a nice holiday everyone!
Hi! Gue seneng banget alhamdulillah dapet kesempatan ke Cappadocia, bucket list semua orang keknya. Jadi gue udah di Cappadocia dua hari, dan kemaren pagi gue bangun pagi buat pergi ke bukit, pikirnya balonnya terbang. Tapi sedihnya, balonnya gabisa terbang gegara cuacanya yang ga bagus. Jadi gue ga bisa ngambil foto sama balon dan bukit. Hari ini, bestie dan ibu gue pergi lagi ke bukit tapi gue terlalu males, takutnya balonnya ga terbang lagi jadi gue ga ikut. Tapi sedihnya lagi, balonnya ternyata bisa terbang dan gue kira gue kehilangan kesempatan buat foto sama balon. Untungnya, bapak gue bangunin gue jadi gue masih bisa foto. Tapi fotonya cuma di hotel jadi kita ga deket sama balonnya. Di postingan ini, gue mau share dua opsi buat foto sama balon terbang berdasarkan pengalaman gue.
Opsi pertama disebut pemandangan bukit, karena kalian bakal foto di bukit. Kalian harus bangun pagi-pagi, sekitar jam 4 pagi, sebelum itu lebih baik. Soalnya orang-orang yang naik balon pada berangkat jam 4 pagi dari hotel gue. Butuh waktu sekitar 10 menit dari hotel gue ke lokasi penerbangan balon. Lokasi bukitnya deket sama Goreme dan rada cukup jauh sama hotel gue, butuh waktu 10-15 menit. Kalian bisa foto sama balon pas matahari terbit itu bakal lebih bagus. Cappadocia ga punya transportasi umum, jadi kalian bisa naik taxi, dan ga semua hotel punya taxi nongkrong jadi kalian bisa minta tolong resepsionis atau nomot telponnya ada di Google. Kalian tinggal bilang ke supirnya kalo kalian mau foto sama balon di puncak bukit tertinggi deket dari lokasi penerbangan balon sama di lokasi penerbangan balonnya juga, nanti supirnya juga bakal tau kemana perginya. Di puncak bukit tertinggi ada beberapa restoran atau cafe, jadi kalo kalian kesana dan ga ada, mungkin kalian ada di lokasi yang salah tapi kalo pemandangannya bagus, yaudah gapapa disitu juga. Harga taxinya dari hotel gue sekitar 150-170 lyra atau 450.000-510.000 rupiah. Iya emang cukup mahal tapi supirnya nganterin kalian ke dua tempat, nungguin dan nganter kalian balik ke hotel.
Opsi kedua itu pemandangan kota, karna kalian bakal foto di kota, ga kek kota besar tapi kota kecil atau perumahan. Opsi ini adalah kondisi gue pagi ini tapi gue cukup suka si. Kalian ga perlu bangun pagi karna kalian ga perlu pergi kemana-mana. Kalian perlu bangun pas matahari terbit, sekitar jam 6 pagi atau ga lama sebelum itu. Soalnya kalo kepagian, balonnya ga banyak karna belum siap terbang. Trus kalian bisa ambil foto dibelakangnya ada perumahan khas, banyak balon dan tetep ada bukitnya walaupun kecil soalnya jauh dari bukit. Kalian harus nemuin rooftop hotel kalian, atau ga kalo hotel kalian ga punya rooftop, cari tempat terdekat yang pemandangannya bagus buat foto. Setiap rumah yang dikelilingi bukit bakal tetep bisa liat balon jadi kalian ga perlu khawatir. Kalian juga ga perlu ngeluarin uang buat foto sama pemandangan menakjubkan itu. Jadi bakal lebih hemat dan kalian ga ngantuk soalnya ga perlu bangun pagi.
Mungkin itu yang bisa gue share, gue sangat berharap kalian bisa kesana secepatnya aamiin. Hotel yang pas sama transportasi buat ke Cappadocia bakal gue kasih tau di postingan lain. Have a nice holiday everyone!
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