Alright guuys, in this post I wanna share about all the good things you can do in Cappadocia. I'll give you some places for enjoying that great view and something else. First thing first, you can go to Cappadocia by plane from Istanbul and you'll land in Kayseri then you can take a bus or a car to go to Nevsehir, that's Cappadocia. As long as you're in Cappadocia, you can take a taxi to drive you wherever you want to!
1. Pick the hotel!
So Cappadocia has many hotels from cave hotels till standard hotel. Many cave hotels are located in Goreme but a standard or a 'building' hotels are located in Avanos. Goreme is more close to those rocks than Avanos but cave hotels are literally more expensive than standard hotel. Cave hotels will give you a new experience by living in a cave with stone wall, stone ceiling, stone bathroom etc, so the most suite hotel for you depends on your budget!
Can't you see those cave hotels? Those with windows on the rocks! |
These are settlement with many hotels in Avanos |
2. Take a walk in Goreme!
Wheter you pick your hotel in Goreme or Avanos or anywhere you want but still you have to take a walk in Goreme! Goreme is like the center town of Cappadocia and there are many many stores, like merchandise stores, rug stores, restaurants, mini markets, and many more. I remember there's also a tourist information centre too and you can get more information there if you wanna fly an air balloon. In the rug and merchandise stores, you can take many pictures as you can cause that will be instragrammable! Don't forget to go to mini markets and buy some Turkey's chocolates cause they're really tasty!! And alsooo make sure you have checked Turkey's food and rice, I love the rice! There's also an underground restaurant maybe you interest with having a lunch or dinner inside the cave.
Street in Goreme |
Stores in Goreme |
One of cave restaurant |
3. Have an awesome experience by walking through the underground city!
Yasss of course Cappadocia has underground city. That underground city has been built from Rome empire I think (?) Well it's been sooooo loooong I think it's before world war II. Underground city was used for a shelter so the enemy wouldn't know where the people were. Inside the underground city, there are many rooms but the interesting is I didn't know what level I stood cause it's just going through the cave. There are bed room, kitchen, living room, a room for their farms, a well, and many more rooms. You won't be feeling hot inside the underground city because it's under a rock that make you feel breeze.
My dad in underground city! |
The stone weight door |
A way through underground city |
4. Enjoy the air balloons view
Well I've written about this in my previous post, you should check that out! I told many things you have to prepare and you can choose where you'll see air balloons view too! Here's the link https://shortescapeforlife.blogspot.com/2018/06/cappadocias-air-balloon-view-are-you-in.html?m=1
5. Last but not least, of course you have to enjoy those Cappadocia's rock formations!!!
For this one, I'm gonna give you some coordinates from places to enjoy those rock view. Why it has to be some coordinates? Because if I tell you the name, maybe you'll get hard to find where it actually is cause maybe there will be a place with same name too. But if I give you the coordinate, you just have to copy the coordinate and paste in Google Map or your phone's map. So, enjoy these coordinates!
a. 38.640659,34.846146
Alright so this first place is not a cafe or store or anything else, it's just a spot beside the street where you can see that rock formations view.
1st coordinate |
Isn't it beautiful? |
b. 38.652622,34.862705
This place is a cafe but if you go there in the morning, the cafe hasn't opened yet so you'll be free to take some pictures. This one is also in the highest hill too.
2nd coordinate |
I really love my shots in there! |
Top of the hill! |
c. 38.677399,34.854855
This one is not in the top of the hill. It's located in the valley so your view won't be as wide as you're in the top of the hill. But in this place, you can explore the rocks more! Also, this place is a destination spot so there are many merchandise stores.
3rd coordinate |
Beautiful rocks with my beautiful family ❤️ |
d. 38.672680,34.885658
This place is called imaginery valley, it's also a valley but it's higher then the third place. The most interesting about this valley is there's a rock that's looked like a camel! This place also more like a dessert and really hot during the summer.
Can't you see that camel rock? |
4th coordinate |
e. 38.639591,34.816772
This one is my favorite because you'll really have a wide wide vieww. It's a cafe and you can see the town, you can see the rocks right in front of you, you can see some farm, and wow I can't explain it anymore 😂 Also there are many merchandise stores and one of it sells my favorite bracelet from Turkey's special stone!!!
5th coordinate |
Have no words 😍 |
Can't you see the town? |
f. 38.620537,34.804817
This is also my favorite cause I could feed my friends 🐦🐦🐦🐦. There are a lot of pigeons that's why it's called pigeon valley. You can also see pigeon's home during winter, the home is inside the rocks! You also can see a fortress and many houses.
Me feeding my friends 🐦🐦🐦 |
The pigeons 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦 |
6th coordinate |
g. 38.633068,34.802685
It's located near the 6th place and this is the fortress. Beside the fortress, you can also see the windows on the rock for living some soldiers when Rome empire I think (?)
The fortress in 7th coordinate |
The rock with window |
Well that's all I can share about Cappadocia, hope you enjoy and be there soon aamiin ❤️
Alright guuys jadi di postingan ini gue mau share tentang hal-hal yang bisa kalian lakuin di Cappadocia. Gue bakal kasih tau beberapa tempat buat nikmatin view dan hal lain. Tapi pertama-tama, kalian bisa ke Cappadocia pake pesawat dari Istanbul dan turun di Kayseri trus naik bis atau mobil ke Nevsehir, dan itu udah Cappadocia. Selama di Cappadocia, kalian bisa naik taksi buat pergi kemana pun kalian mau!
1. Pilih hotel kalian!
Jadi di Cappadocia ni banyak hotel dari mulai hotel goa sampe hotel standar yang biasa. Kebanyakan hotel goa ni lokasinya di Goreme kalo hotel yang standar yang bangunan biasa tu banyaknya di Avanos. Goreme emang lebih deket dari batu-batuan itu daripada Avanos tapi hotel goa lebih mahal dari hotel biasa. Tapi dengan kalian nginep di hotel goa kalian bisa ngerasain tinggal di bawah atap batu, tembok batu, dan kamar mandi batu dll. Jadi hotel yang paling pas buat kalian tergantung sama budget kalian!
2. Jalan-jalan di Goreme!
Mau kalian hotelnya di Goreme atau di Avanos atau dimanapun terserah kalian, kalian tetep harus jalan-jalan di Goreme. Goreme tu kayak pusat kotanya di Cappadocia dan banyak toko disana mulai dari toko oleh-oleh, toko karpet, minimarket, restoran dll. Ada pusat informasi juga disana seinget gue jadi kalo kalian butuh informasi buat naik balon terbang bisa kesana. Jangan lupa kalo lagi di toko oleh-oleh sama toko karpet, harus foto-foto karna pasti bakal instragrammable banget! Jangan lupa ke minimarket dan beli coklat turkey karna enak! Sama pastiin kalian udah nyoba makanan sama nasi turkey, gue suka ama nasinya! Ada juga restaurant dalem goa kalo kalian mau ngerasain lunch atau dinner di dalem goa.
3. Bikin pengalaman jalan-jalan nelusurin kota bawah tanah!
Pasti laah Cappadocia punya kota bawah tanah. Kota bawa tanah ini udah ada dari jaman kerajaan Roma kayaknya, pokoknya udah lama bangeet sebelum perang dunia kedua seinget gue. Jadi fungsinya kota bawah tanah ini buat berlindung dari musuh jadi musuh gatau orang-orang pada kemana. Di dalem kota bawah tanah ada banyak ruangan dan yang gue interest banget tu gue gatau lagi di lantai berapa soalnya yaudah jalan aja gitu. Ruangannya ada ruangan tempat tidur, ruang tamu, dapur, ruang buat ternak, sumur, dll. Di dalem kota bawah tanah, kalian ga bakal ngerasa panas soalnya batunya bakal bikin ngerasa sejuk.
4. Nikmatin pemandangan balon udara!
Gue udah pernah nulis ini sebelumnya, kalian harus cek! Gue nulis tentang hal-hal yang harus disiapin dan mau milih tempat ngeliat dimana. Ni linknya https://shortescapeforlife.blogspot.com/2018/06/cappadocias-air-balloon-view-are-you-in.html?m=1
5. Last but not least, pastinya kalian harus nikmatin view formasi batuannya doong!
Buat yang satu ini, gue bakal share beberapa koordinat tempat tempat buat enjoy view batuaannya Cappadocia. Kenapa koordinat? Soalnya kalo gue kasih tau namanya kalian bakal susah nyari taunya soalnya bisa jadi ada nama yang sama. Tapi kalo gue ngasih tau koordinatnya, kalian tinggal copy trus paste di Google map atau di map hp kalian. So, enjoy koordinatnya!
a. 38.640659,34.846146
Jadi ni tempat bukan cafe bukan toko oleh-oleh tapi cuma spot di pinggir jalan yang punya view batuan yang baguus
b. 38.652622,34.862705
Kalo yang ini, cafe tapi kalo kalian datengnya pagi-pagi, cafe nya belum buka jadi kalian bebas foto-foto. Lokasinya di puncak bukit jugaa.
c. 38.677399,34.854855
Tempat ini bukan di puncak bukit tapi ada di lembah. Jadi pandangan kalian ga bakal seluas di puncak bukit tapi kalian bisa explore lebih ke batuanny. Ini juga salah satu destinasi wisata jadi banyak toko oleh-oleh nya.
d. 38.672680,34.885658
Tempat ini juga di lembah tapi lebih tinggi dari yang sebelumnya. Namanya imaginery valley. Yang paling menarik dari tempat ini tu ada batu yang bentuknya onta! Tempat ini juga lebih kayak padang pasir dan panas banget pas summer.
e. 38.639591,34.816772
Nah yang ini favorite gue bangeeet! Ini cafe dan punya view yang luaaaas bangeeet, kalian bisa liat kota, liat batuan di depan kalian, liat kebun, dan wow gue gabisa jelasin lagi 😂. Oiya disini juga banyak toko oleh-oleh dan salah satunya jual gelaang favorite gueee dari batu khas Turkey!!
f. 38.620537,34.804817
Yang ini juga favorite gue soalnya gue bisa ngasih makan temen gue 🐦🐦🐦🐦 Ada banyaaak banget merpati makanya dinamain Pigeon Valley dan ada rumahnya juga pas lagi winter yaitu di dalek batu! Kalian juga bisa liat benteng dan banyak rumah dari sini.
g. 38.633068,34.802685
Kalo ini lokasinya gajauh dari tempat ke-6 dan ini itu lokasi bentengnya. Selain benteng kalian juga bisa liat batu-batu yang banyak jendelanya soalnya buat tinggal tentara dulu pas jaman kerajaan Roma kayaknya (?)
Well itu yang bisa gue bagi tentang Cappadocia, semoga kalian enjoy dan bisa kesana secepatnya aamiin ❤️
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