This post maybe has the short content ever because I just wanna focus to what I love the most, Andalusia. So Andalusia is a region like a province or a state in South Spain. The famous cities in Andalusia are Seville, Granada, and Cordoba. Well Seville is the capital city but I haven't been there.
What I like about Andalusia is the culture. Actually I haven't realized the culture until I went to Cordoba and my guide told me about Andalusia's culture. Andalusia has people with different religions, there are muslims, jewish, and christians. But the unique thing is they were all blended into one culture. If I can see from the city style, Andalusia had a small with two level houses and there are many small streets to walk through the settlement but I like it.
The small street in Cordoba with many hanging pots of flower became the beautiful culture of Andalusia |
This is also a small street in one of the famous place to shop in Granada (I forgot the name 😂) |
The small street in one of Granada's settlement |
While christians brought characteristic building, the muslims brought another character in flowers and fountain. Muslims loved to decorate their houses with many pots of flower hanging on their walls. Muslims also came from the desert so they like a water, like an oasis in the desert, they brought many fountains in the garden. So when you came to Alhambra in Granada and catredal or grand mosque in Cordoba, they both have many many fountains in the garden, inside the building, in the street, and many more. Muslims also brought a garden to Andalusia's culture.
I really amazed to see this 😍😍😍 I really love their culture 😭 |
A fountain in Alhambra |
A fountain in Granada's Grand Mosque |
A fountain in Grand Mosque of Cordoba's garden (or now a catredal) |
A garden with a fountain in Alhambra |
My guide also told me that it didn't mean the hanging flowers were the character of muslims in Andalusia, but it meant that's the character of Andalusia. About the building, both Alhambra and Grand Mosque of Cordoba have a muslim and christian architecture. They were really blended and became the unique of Andalusia's culture. The culture is also about how Andalusia's people think, my guide told me about that but she didn't explain what kind of thinking pattern that Andalusia's people have. But we all know Avicenna, one of genius person from Cordoba.
The character of Muslim and Christian architecture in Grand Mosque of Cordoba |
The last thing I know about Andalusia's culture is the style of people. Andalusia's woman like to dress in a summer dress, the one with thin fabric with some overlays I think. Andalusia's man like to let their beards long, so it's like muslim's sunnah and I thought that's the character of jewish too. Well that's all I can say about the beautiful Andalusia!
Postingan ini keknya punya konten terpendek karna gue cuma mau fokus jelasin tentang hal yang paling gue suka, Andalusia. Jadi Andalusia tu wilayah kayak provinsi atau negara bagian di Selatan Spanyol. Kota-kota terkenalnya kayak Seville, Granada sama Cordoba. Seville tu ibu kotanya tapi gue belum pernah kesana.
Yang gue suka dari Andalusia itu budayanya. Gue awalnya belum nyadar nyampe gue ke Cordoba dan guide gue cerita tentang budaya Andalusia. Di Andalusia, penduduknya punya beragam agama, ada muslim, yahudi sama kristen. Tapi yang jadi unik, semua budaya itu blend jadi satu. Kalo gue liat dari style kotanya, Andalusia punya rumah-rumah yang kecil tingkat dua dan banyak banget gang-gang kecil buat ngelewatin permukimannya tapi gue suka.
Kristen ngebawa karakteristik dari bangunannya, muslim bawa karakteristik dari bunga sama air mancur. Orang muslim disana suka ngedekor rumahnya pake pot bunga yang digantung di tembok rumahnya. Muslim juga asalnya dari padang pasir jadi mereka suka air, kayak oasis di padang pasir, mereka ngebawa air mancur itu jadi khas yang ada di tamannya. Jadi kalo kalian ke Alhambra di Granada sama ke katredal atau masjid di Cordoba, kalian bakal nemuin banyak air mancur di dalem gedungnya, di taman, di jalanan, dll. Muslim juga ngebawa taman ke budaya di Andalusia.
Guide gue juga bilang kalo karakteristik bunga yang ngegantung itu bukan berarti karakteristik nya islam doang, tapi itu udah jadi karakteristik nya Andalusia. Bangunannnya juga, bangunan di Andalusia banyak yang nyampur antara karakteristik nya islam sama kristen kayak di Alhambra sama masjid Cordoba. Mereka ngeblend dengan sangat baik dan indah jadi budaya yang unik. Budayanya juga tentang gimana orang Andalusia berfikir, guide gue juga cerita tentang itu tapi dia ga jelasin pola pikir kayak gimana yang mereka punya. Tapi yang kita tau, Ibnu Sina tu salah satu genius yang asalnya dari Cordoba.
Hal terakhir yang gue tau tentang style berpakaian orang Andalusia. Cewe Andalusia suka make baju summer dress yang bahannya tipis trus ngelapis-lapis gitu. Kalo cowo Andalusia nya suka manjangin jenggot, itu sunnah di Islam dan keknya orang yahudi juga suka manjangin jenggot. Well that's all yang bisa gue share tentang indahnya Andalusia.
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