Hi everyone! So in this page I wanna share to you about Alhambra. Alhambra is a palace in Granada, the name of it is from al hamra in Arabic means red. Alhambra is located in Granada, in the top of the hill and behind it, there's a stunning Sierra Nevada, mountains that still have ice in the peak during summer. All I knew, Alhambra was built by Rome Empire but it's taken over by Muslim then by Christian again. You can read the whole history in Wikipedia. Because it's taken over by Muslim and Christian, the ornaments in the palace is proof of it. At first I thought Alhambra was not that big and wide but right after I entered parking lot, wow MasyaAllah, it's too wide to explore without being tired π.
Alhambra has a wide garden in the outside of palace and being in that garden is free. You can still take a picture of beautiful Granada with all those white houses, there's also a museum with a hall inside for live music, and you can explore that freely without paying anything. But to enter the palace, you have to buy a ticket and pay 14,85 €, pretty expensive huh? But you won't regret and that's really worth it!!!
Once I entered the palace, I immediately amazed MasyaAllah, first place I saw was a really beautiful garden with many roses and other flowers with a beautiful classical red wall. Based on what I read in Wikipedia, Rome Empire ignored the palace and it's rebuilt and renovated by Muslim so the ornaments were mostly Muslim style with many Allah's words and mosaics on the wall. After a garden, I entered inside palace and there's a room I thought it's a discussion room and there's a Christian sign. Actually I entered many many rooms so I can't explain you one by one clearly because maybe I forgot and instead of I told you something wrong maybe I rather explain you what I remember correctly, sorry π. After a room, there's an opened room with big doors and windows above the doors with Muslim style.
Then there's a room again and after that room there's the most popular site in Alhambra. It's an outdoor with a wide pond called mirror. Why it's called mirror? Because you can see your self in that pond and the meaning is what you do in this life will influence you in afterlife. You'll get the price of what you did in your life. MasyaAllah. After that pond, there's a room again with a different floor. There were a Muslim style floor and a Christian style floor. The Muslim style floor was formed by mosaics while Christian style floor was formed only by stones. In that room, there were some windows with many small holes. The small holes were for the light from the sun. So when the sun rose, the light would come from the small holes in those windows.
After that room I entered a wow, I can't explain what wow is that lol. Well that's actually an outdoor too with a fountain in the middle of it and there were many lion statues in the fountain with some small ditchs or gullies. The magical fountain was from Jewish people for the Muslim King, it's a sign that Muslim King had a good relationship with his people no matter what their religions were. MasyaAllah. Those small ditchs were from the small fountain in the rooms around that outdoor. It flowed from the room's fountain to the main fountain in the outdoor. MasyaAllah. After that wow thing, I entered one of the room and there's a small room for King and Queen's thrones. Behind it, there's a garden again.
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The main fountain with lion statues and ditches |
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The fountain in the room |
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A room for King and Queen's thrones |
Then I walked through the balcony around the garden and entered a room. The ceiling of that room was in Christian style. In the balcony, I saw the beautifuuuul Granada with those white houses. FYI, 2/3's Granada is protected as a part of history. So if Granada's citizens wanna paint the walls with other colors, they have to permit the government. Back to the palace, after that room and balcony, I saw a prison and an underground way. I can't explain you what it is about because I don't know, sorry π. But FYI again, Alhambra is located in the hill with no rivers, so for the water needs, they flew the water from Sierra Nevada, about 6 kilo metres from Alhambra, with water canal, 800 years ago!! MasyaAllah.
After that prison and underground thing, I left the palace, actually there's also a palace beside the main palace but I didn't go there because I had no time. But if you have the ticket, then you can enter the other palace. There were many stores and hotels in Alhambra, so if you look for a merchandise or if you wanna stay there then go ahead. Oh about the guide, if you wanna know Alhambra well, like the history or what place is that, then you can hire a guide. I was in a tour so my guide had been set up by the tour. But I think there are many guides that can help you, either it's just the two of you or many of you, there's still a guide for you, just ask the information centre. Maybe that's all I can say about this beautiful palace, I really hope you'll be there soon and see the magical of Alhambra aamiin ❤️
Ps: for more pictures and explanations, check out my story on Instagram @muthihasna
Ps: for more pictures and explanations, check out my story on Instagram @muthihasna
Hi everyone! Jadi di postingan ini gue mau share tentang Alhambra. Alhambra itu istana di Granada, diambil dari kata al hamra, bahasa arab yang artinya merah. Alhambra lokasinya di Granaa, di puncak bukit yang belakangnya ada Sierra Nevada, pegunungan yang masih ada salju di puncaknya walaupun lagi musim panas. Yang gue tau, Alhambra dibangun sama Kerajaan Romawi, tapi diambil alih sama Muslim trus sama Kristiani lagi. Kalian bisa baca sejarah lengkapnya di Wikipedia. Karena pernah ditempatin Muslim dan Kristiani, ornamen-ornamen istana nya jadi bukti atas itu. Pertama kali gue mikir kalo istananya ga bakal sebesar dan seluas itu, tapi pas gue masuk tempat parkirnya, wow istananya terlalu besar dan luas buat dieksplor tanpa cape π.
Alhambra punya kebun yang luas di luar istananya dan kalian bisa kesitu gratis. Kalian masih bisa foto pemandangan kota Granada dengan tembok-tembok rumah yang semuanya putih, ada museum juga yang punya aula di tengahnya buat konser musik, dan kalian bisa ngeeksplor itu gratis. Tapi buat masuk ke istananya, kalian harus bayar 14,85 €, mayan mahal kan? Tapi kalian ga bakal nyesel dan ini worth it banget!!
Pas gue masuk istana, gue langsung amaze MasyaAllah, hal pertama yang gue liat itu kebun yang baguuuuusss bangett banyak bunga mawar dan bunga lainnya sama tembok merah klasik di belakangnya. Berdasarkan yang gue baca di Wikipedia, Kerajaan Romawi dulu ngacuhin istananya, ga diurus gitu trus akhirnya dibangun ulang dan direnovasi sama Muslim jadi kebanyakan istananya bergaya muslim dengan banyak tulisan Allah di tembok, langit-langit, dll. Habis kebun, gue masuk ke dalem istana dan ada ruangan, kayaknya itu ruangan diskusi dan ada tanda Kristennya. Sebenernya gue masuk banyaaak banget ruangan jadi gue ga bisa jelasin satu-satu dengan jelas, karna mungkin gue lupa dan daripada gue ngasih tau sesuatu yang salah, mending gue ngasih tau apa yang gue inget bener, sorry π. Habis ruangan itu, ada outdoor sama pintu besar dan jendela dengan gaya muslim.
Dan habis ruangan itu ada ruangan lagi. Habis ruangan terakhir itu, ada situs yang paling terkenal di Alhambra yaitu outdoor dengan kolam luas yang disebut mirror. Kenapa disebut mirror? Karena kita bisa liat diri kita di kolam itu, maksudnya apa yang kita lakukan di dunia akan mempengaruhi akhirat kita. Kita bakal dapet balesan di akhirat atas apa yang kita lakuin di dunia. MasyaAllah. Trus habis kolam itu, ada ruangan lagi. Di ruangan itu ada lantai yang beda-beda. Ada gaya muslim dan kristian. Lantai yang gaya Muslim disusun dari mosaik-mosaik dan yang gaya Kristiani disusun hanya dari batu. Di ruangan itu ada banyak jendela yang banyak lubang kecil di jendelanya. Lubang kecil itu buat masuknya cahaya matahari. Jadi pas matahari terbit, cahayanya bakal masuk dari lubang kecil itu.
Habis ruangan itu, gue masuk ke 'wow'. Gue gabisa jelasin wow itu lol. Jadi itu outdoor jugaa, ada air mancur di tengah-tengah nya trus ada patung singa di air mancur itu trus ada parit-parit kecil. Air mancur tadi itu dari orang Yahudi buat Raja Muslim. Jadi ngebuktiin kalo Raja Muslim berhubungan baik sama rakyatnya apapun agama mereka. MasyaAllah. Parit-parit kecil tadi tu dari air mancur kecil di ruangan-ruangan yang ngelilingin air mancur tengah yang singa tadi. Jadi airnya ngalir dari air mancur di ruangan ke air mancur tengah. MasyaAllah. Habis wow tadi, gue masuk ke ruangan lagi dan disitu ada ruang kecil buat singgasana Raja dan Ratu dan dibelakangnya ada kebun lagi.
Trus gue jalan di balkon dan masuk ke ruangan yang langit-langit nya ada tanda Kristennya. Di balkon, gue liat pemandangan Kota Granada yang baguuus bangeet sama rumah-rumah putihnya. Asal kalian tau, 2/3 dari Kota Granada itu dilindungin karna masuk dari bagian sejarah. Jadi kalo penduduknya mau ngecet pake warna lain selain putih harus ijin dulu ke pemerintah. Balik lagi ke istana, habis ruangan terakhir itu sama balkon gue liat penjara sama jalan bawah tanah. Tapi gue gabisa jelasin karna gue gatau, sorry π. Asal kalian tau lagi, Alhambra itu kan letaknya di atas bukit dan ga ada sungai yang ngalir di bukit itu. Jadi buat keperluan air, mereka ngalirin air dari Sierra Nevada yang jaraknya sekitar 6km pake kanal air gitu 800 tahun yang lalu!!! MasyaAllah.
Habis penjara sama jalan bawah tanah tadi, gue keluar istana. Sebenernya ada istana lain lagi tapi gue ga kesana soalnya ga ada waktu. Kalo kalian punya tiket, kalian juga bisa masuk sana. Di Alhambra banyak toko-toko sama hotel jadi kalo kalian nyari oleh-oleh atau mau nginep disana ya silahkan. Oiya tentang guide, kalo kalian mau tau banget Alhambra, kek sejarahnya atau ini tempat apa, kalian bisa sewa guide aja. Gue kemaren sama tour jadi yang nguruin guide turnya. Tapi gue kira masih ada tour guide disana yang bakal bantu kalian, walaupun kalian cuma berdua atau banyakan, tanya pusat informasi aja. Keknya itu yang bisa gue bagi tentang istana yang bagus bangeet ini. Gue bener-bener berharap kalian bisa kesana dan nyaksiiin magicalnya Alhambra aamiin ❤️
Nb: buat foto sama penjelasan yang lebih lengkap, cek di story instagram @muthihasna
Nb: buat foto sama penjelasan yang lebih lengkap, cek di story instagram @muthihasna
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