Which one do you like? Surise or sunset? If you like sunrise then you have to go to Tebing Karaton in Bandung, West Java. Tebing Karaton is a cliff, but not just a normal cliff cause behind it there's a pine forest and in the early morning there's still a fog so you can imagine how pine forest, fog and sunrise become a perfect combination! But the thing is the peak is 2-3 km away from the parking lot, so you have to walk or ride with 'ojek', which one will you choose? Here's my opinion about it so you can consider it lol
Actually I was in a Walking Team, but I almost in Riding Team because my uncle once told me about it (thank you om!). But I was with my friends and it's crystal clear we wanted a lower budget so we decided to walk. Being in Walking Team wasn't bad at all! Yes, you will be more tired with longer time but it's worth it because you will see the beautiful view, it was reallyyyy beautifuuul and I'd never seen that kinda city view more beautiful than that! You'll see and realize that Bandung is a bowl, well it was a ancient lake once. Not also a city view, you'll also see that lower pine forest and some gardens. With low temperature, you'll feel freeze but it won't matter because you'll keep walking right? Lol. But, you'll need more time to arrive the peak if you're in this team, it takes around 20-30 minutes. So you have to come earlier if you wanna walk and see the sunrise from the peak. But still if you're late and wanna walk then go ahead because it's totally worth it. You'll still enjoy the peak view with the warm sun. So if you want a low budget with seeing that beautiful city view before seeing Tebing Karaton view, then you have to be in Walking Team!
This kinda city view that you won't get in another place!
Us with pine forest behind while we were walking ❤️
Some gardens beside us while we were walking
The opposite of Walking Team is Riding Team. Why did I finally not choose this team? Because it's too expensive lol. You have to pay Rp 50.000 to go to the peak and back to parking lot. Actually, I begged to pay lower and the last deal is Rp 20.000 (as long as I remember), but still we choosed to walk 😂✌️ The benefit from being in this team of course you won't be tired and you'll be in peak just in 10 minutes! The street is so steep and has many rocks, you'll be shaking while hopping in motorcycle. So if you're late, hurry and you really wanna see the exact sunrise then you have to be in Riding Team! For those who ride a manual (not matic) motorcycle to get here, if you're pros, then go ahead ride with your own buf if you're not, then it's safe to ride with 'ojek'.
If you're lucky, then you're gonna get this kinda picture, actually I don't enter Tebung Karaton because it's under renovation:( Credit to |
I have some tips for you before visiting Tebing Karaton. First, wear a warm outfit and the most important is jacket or sweater because it has a low temperature. Second, if you choose to walk, don't wear heels, flat shoes, or slopes because you won't be comfortable. Wear sneakers that have a thick and rough rubber base so you won't feel the rocks and you won't be slipped! Third, for me it's better to go here in rainy season because dark or grey sky with much fog will make your picture more hmm what it's said, more real or more amazing!! It just fits the situation I think ✌️Well that's all so hope you'll be there soon! ❤️
Apa yang kalian suka? Sunrise atau sunset? Kalo kalian suka sunrise, berarti kalian harus banget ke Tebing Karaton di Bandung! Tebing Karaton itu tebing, tapi ga kayak normal tebing, di belakangnya ada hutan pinus dan masih banyak kabut kalo pagi-pagi, jadi bisa dong bayangin gimana hutan pinus, kabut dan sunrise bisa jadi kombinasi yang baguuuus bangeet! Tapi masalahnya, puncak tebingnya itu 2-3 kilo dari tempat parkir, jadi kalian harus jalan atau naik ojek. Yang mana yang bakal kalian pilih? Nih opini gue tentang kedua opsinya!
Sebenernya gue ada di Tim Jalan, tapi hampiiir aja di Tim Ngojek soalnya dulu om gue pernah ngasih tau lol (makasih om!). Tapi gue dulu sama temen-temen dan so pasti dong kita bakal milih harga yang lebih murah, jadi ya keputusannya kita jalan. Ada di Tim Jalan tu ga buruk sama sekali! Iya, kalian bakal lebih cape dan lebih lama nyampenya tapi bakal kebayar sama city view yang baguuusss bangeettt dan gue belum pernah liat city view semacem dan sebagus itu! Kalian bakal liat dan nyadar kalo Bandung itu mangkok dan emang dulunya danau purba. Selain city view, kalian bisa liat hutan pinus sama beberapa kebun. Suhunya mayan rendah jadi kalian bakal kedinginan tapi ya ga kedinginan banget juga, kan kalian tep jalan lol. Kalian bakal butuh waktu 20-30 menit buat nyampe puncak, jadi kalian harus dateng lebih pagi kalo mau jalan dan liat sunrise di puncak. Tapi kalo kalian telat dan tep mau jalan, silahkan aja karna emang worth it banget! Kalian juga tep bisa nikmatin hangatnya matahari pagi di puncak. Jadi buat kalian yang pengen biaya murah dan liat city view sebelum liat viewnya Tebing Karaton, kalian harus ada di Tim Jalan!
Kebalikannya Tim Jalan ada Tim Ngojek. Kenapa ujungnya gue ga milih tim ini? Karna mahal cuy 😂 Awalnya dikasih harga Rp 50.000 dari tempat parkir ke puncak dan balik lagi ke tempat parkir, tapi habis ditawar, bisa tu nyampe Rp 20.000 (seinget gue), tapi ujungnya tep jalan 😂✌️ Keuntungan dari Tim Ngojek adalah kalian bisa nyampe ke puncak cuma 10 menit dari tempat parkir dan kalian juga ga bakal cape. Jalannya nanjak dan banyak batu jadi hati-hati soalnya kalian pasti bakal kegoncang juga sambil dibonceng. Jadi kalo kalian telat, buru-buru dan pengen liat sunrise di Tebing Karaton, ya kalian harus ada di Tim Ngojek! Buat kalian yang kesananya udah pake motor gigi dan kalian pro, maksudnya udah ahli banget ngemotor nanjak, ya silahkan pake motor masing-masing, tapi kalo ga pro, buat amannya mending naik ojek aja.
Gue ada beberapa tips ni buat kalian yang mau ke Tebing Karaton. Pertama, pake pakaian hangat, yang terpenting jaket atau sweater karna suhunya mayan rendah. Kedua, kalo kalian milih jalan, jangan pake heel, flat shoes, apalagi sendal karna kalian bakal ga nyaman. Pake sneakers yang solnya tebel dan kasar biar ga kerasa batuannya dan ga kepleset! Ketiga, kata gue, mending kalian kesini pas musim hujan. Kenapa? Soalnya kalo musim hujan kan langitnya mendung, ditambah kabut, hasil fotonya bakal lebih hmm apa ya disebutnya, lebih real atau lebih baguss ajaa, kan menyesuaikan situasi yang mendung suram gimana gitu kan, menurut gue si 😂✌️Jadi gitu tipsnya dan semoga kalian bisa kesana secepatnya!
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